Coach’s Corner: SMB Owners Discover Fractional Sales Management
Concord Sales Leadership is Fractional Sales Management. Here is a common question from SMB Owners about Fractional Sales Management. This 60 second video shares an answer to a commonly asked question from Business Owners.
“How can you help my business grow as a Sales Executive, if you don’t know our industry?
As a highly experienced Sales Executive with 20+ years of building sales organizations and growing revenues, I can answer many of your most pressing questions. I may not have all the answers, but I do have the experience to work with your team to solve problems and develop a Proven & Repeatable Sales Process™ for your sales organization. Concord Sales Leadership will deliver superior sales growth as your Part-Time Sales Manage. Most Business Owners begin with a quick Sales Tune-up.
A SalesQB Sales Best Practices Audit™ only takes an hour of your time. It will target the best practices developed and used by many Fortune 500 Companies. By hiring a Fractional Sales Manager for a few hours per week to manage your sales team you will be able to invest more hours in other key aspects of your business.